Friday, January 22, 2010

Balancing Help

This first link is a review of the time saving tricks. Click on this link and then play the video. The voice you hear is the teacher that I did my student teaching with, he is a great teacher. Pay attention to him! Time saving tricks
This next link gives you a lot of practice with balancing. Practice for balancing

Make sure you have 1-10 done for next time!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

End of Quarter

A Day
Test Jan. 12
Lab book due Jan. 14

B Day
Test Jan. 13
Lab book due Jan. 15

Remember you have a lot of homework, I would suggest not waiting to the last day to do it. GRADES WILL BE FINAL ON JANUARY 15

#'s 66-75 and 91-100 on naming and formula writing practice will be extra credit. Each problem will be worth half of a point. So you can get a total of 10 extra credit points

This is the link to the practice test: Bonding Practice Test Skip problems 10-12