Thursday, December 3, 2009

Test time again

Happy Holidays! I think a test would be a great way to celebrate the holidays. For A-day the test will be on Dec. 7th (Monday), B-day Dec 8th (Tuesday). Study your lab book and make sure your homework problems are complete before the test. The major ideas on the test will be the relationship between wavelength and energy, the wave mechanical model of the atom, writing electron configurations and electron dot structures.

Some awesome tutorials on wavelength and electron configuration

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


The test will be Friday for B-day, and Monday for A-day. You will want to be sure to study your lab books and be able to do all the homework problems. B-day classes your lab book is due on Wednesday, A-day your lab book is Due on Thursday. We will grade it in class so you can use it to study for the test.

Also here the the link that will take you to the practice test. This will be very similar to the real test. PRACTICE TEST.. SKIP THE FOLLOWING PROBLEMS ON THE PRACTICE TEST #21,22,28,30,31.

Topics to know for test: Alpha, Beta reactions
The characteristics of alpha, beta, and gamma radiation
Be able to fill in a experimental design box, similar to lab
Half-life calcualtions
Differences between fusion and fission
Reviews from past tests, writing symbols, atomic number, atomic mass, bring your periodic table.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Extra Credit

If any of you check the blog today or tomorrow before school you have a chance to earn extra credit. If you come to class and mention "Blob Fish" You can earn 10 pts extra credit on your bellringer. Make sure you are getting your homework done, and come see me if you have any questions.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


The test for B day will be on Monday October 26th for A day it will be Tuesday Oct. 27th. Your homework and labs will need to be turned in before the test. They will not be accepted after the test. On the last day of the quarter we will present our models, turn in Bellringer, and get a binder score. Good luck with Models

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ideas of the Atom

This assignment is to help you become more familiar of how the model of the atom became known as it is today. The links can be found on the sidebar to find research to help you answer the questions, or you are more than welcome to find your own sites to get your information.

You can also find additional information in your textbook on the following pages:

Dalton pg 101-102
Thompson pg 104-105
Rutherford pg 106-108
Bohr pg 128-129
Charge Cloud Model pg 130-132